
Monday, March 10, 2008

Kerry Blair

Every now and then I read a book that makes me laugh. Some are because they are so bad, others because they are so funny, and once in a great while, because it is so great. Tonight I read one of the great ones. The Book is called Counting Blessings, Wit and Wisdom for Women.
Fist of all, I am not a woman, but I know Kerry Blair from her blog, and from a list we are on togehter.
I laughed at this book at times because it was funny, I cried because it was sad, and I smiled because Kerry has a way to make everyone, not just women happier.
If you buy a book this week, buy this book. In fact, buy two, and give one to someone you love, woman or man.


Kerry Blair said...

Or just go wild and buy three!

Seriously, Doug, thanks so much. You're a gentleman and a scholar. (I'm sure about that first thing.)

Now it's my turn to blog about you. (Bet you'll lose sleep over that one.)